Bitdefender Support Number 1877-240-5577

Bitdefender Antivirus Support Number 1877-240-5577 of Internet and Total Security.

How to Uninstall or Upgrade Bitdefender 2016 in Windows 10?

Bitdefender is an antivirus security tool which has been used among many users from every corner of the world. It is one among the oldest companies which provide online protection tools for the computer systems.

How to uninstall Bitdefender 2016?

To uninstall the Bitdefender in the right way for Windows 10, follow the steps:

Step1: Firstly click on “Start” menu and then click “Setting”.

Step2: Click the System icon in the Settings area, then select Installed apps.

Step3: Find Bitdefender 2016 and select “Uninstall”.

Step4: Click Uninstall again to confirm your choice.

Step5: Click Remove and then there will be selecting situation as “I want to reinstall it” or “I want to permanently remove it” select it as per your choice.

Step6: Click on “Next” tab to continue. You might get a firewall permission request because Bitdefender uninstaller needs access in order to configure your firewall properly and not leave your computer exposed after it's uninstalled.

Step7: Now, wait for the uninstalling process to complete, and then reboot your system.


How to upgrade the Bitdefender?

If you are using the previous version of Bitdefender you are required to upgrade it to enjoy the latest features and tasks. So, follow the steps to update it.

Step 1: Initially, visit to the Bitdefender Central account

Step 2: Now, select the “My Devices panel”.

Step 3: In the My Devices window, click on “Install Bitdefender” menu.

Step 4: Click on the “Download” button.

Step 5: Now, wait to download to complete, then run the installer by pressing the right click on the file you’ve saved and then to Run as administrator.

Step 6: Now required to uninstall Bitdefender previous version installed from computer and will be assisted to do that. Just click on Uninstall previous version.

Step 7: After uninstalling the older version, you will be prompted to restart your computer

Step 8: The installation process of Bitdefender will start on your computer.

Step 9: Now, just follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. After Bitdefender finishes installing it will automatically add the remaining days you had left on your old Bitdefender as long as they are the same product and are for the same number of users.

For any other queries or issues the users can take the online help of professionals by dialing the Bitdefender Support Number. Services are available nonstop for US and Canada regions users by just a single phone call.


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